The Son family:
1. Son Gokuu: Japanese reading of the corresponding kanji. The same kanji as the Journey to the West character known as Sun Wukong, the Chinese reading of the kanji. Could be interpreted as "understanding emptiness" or "understanding the sky".
2. Son Gohan: Japanese reading of the corresponding kanji. Could be interpreted as "understanding food" or "understanding rice". The Chinese reading of the kanji would be Sun Wufan.
3. Son Goten: Japanese reading of the corresponding kanji. Could be interpreted as "understanding the heavens", which is similar to Son Gokuu's name, but on a higher scale. The Chinese reading of the kanji would be Sun Wutian or Sun Wut'ien.
4. Pan: Named after "pan", a variant (or the original spelling) of paõ, the Portuguese term for "bread".
5. Son Gokuu Junior: Son Gokuu's descendant.
Saiyans: All have vegetable-related named/puns.
1. Kakarott: Pun on "carrot". I use "k"s instead of "c"s and include two "t"s instead of one out of preference.
2. Raditz: Pun on "radish".
3. Vegeeta: Pun on "vegetable". The middle syllable is elongated.
4. Nappa: Same name as the vegetable.
5. Tahless: Pun on "lettuce". "Tarless", "Terless", and "Turless" are also fine, but I think "Tahless" sounds the closest to "lettuce".
6. Burdack: Pun on "burdock". The only difference is the "dock" is replaced by a "dack" or "duck". "Burduck" works, but I prefer "Burdack".
7. Tohma: Pun on "tomato".
8. Totappo: Pun on "potato".
9. Pumbookin: Pun on "pumpkin".
10. Sleypar: Pun on "parsley" ("Selipa" would technically be more correct, but "parsley" is usually approximated as "paseri" in Japanese, not "paaserii" even though that would be most proper. Japanese is very inconsistent on how it approximates English words lol. I kinda prefer "Selipa", though; looks more feminine, so I might switch to that)
11. Broly: Pun on "broccoli".
12. Paragus: Pun on "asparagus".
13. Onio: Pun on "onion".
14. Tarble: Pun on "vegetable". "Tahble" also works.
15. Gine: Pun on "negi".
16. Cabbe: Pun on "cabbage".
17. Caulifla: Pun on "cauliflower".
18. Kehl: Named after "kehl". You could use "Kale" instead, but that's just an Americanization of "kehl".
19. Renso: Pun on "horenso", Japanese for "spinach".
20. Beats: Named after "beats".
21. Nion: Pun on "onion".
22. Shallot: Named after "shallot".
23. Giblette: Pun on "ciboulette".
24. Cumber: Pun on "cucumber".
25. Vegeeta Junior: Vegeeta's descendant.
26. Yamoshi: Pun on "moyashi", Japanese for bean sprouts.
The Briefs family: All have underwear-related names.
1. Bloomers: Named after "bloomers" (technically, the katakana doesn't literally translate to "bloomers", but that's what it typically translates to as that's the intended meaning. "Bulma" is technically a more correct romanization of the katakana, but that's just gibberish; the meaning is supposed to be "bloomers". Basically, "bloomers" is most properly approximated as "buruumaa" in Japanese, but athletic bloomers (what this character is named after) are called "buruma" or "burumaa". "Buruma" is used for this character in Japanese; since "buruma" is basically slang for "buruumaa", meaning "bloomers", I think it's better to just go with "bloomers" so you keep the pun).
2. Briefs: Named after "briefs".
3. Trunks: Named after "trunks".
4. Bra: Named after "bra", short for "brassiere".
5. Tights: Named after "tights".
6. Bikini: Named after "bikini". At one point, Toriyama considered naming her "panchy", pun on "panty".
1. Gotenks: "Goten" from Goten. "nks" from "Trunks". The names are joined right at the "n".
2. Gogeeta: "Go" from Gokuu. "geeta" from "Vegeeta".
3. Vegett: "Vege" from "Vegeeta". "tt" from "Kakarott" (if you go with "Kakarot" or "Cacarot" instead of "Kakarott", though, then you can go with "Veget").
4. "Vekuu": "Ve" from "Vegeeta". "Kuu" from "Gokuu".
4. Kefla: "Ke" from "Kehl". "Fla" from "Caulifla". You could use "Kafla" if you want, though; just make sure to use "Kale" instead of "Kehl".
5. Aca: "A" from "Abo". "Ca" from "Cado".
Dragon Team & associates:
1. Yumcha: Named after the Cantonese phrase "yum cha". Could also be spelled Yamcha.
2. Chichi: Named after "chichi", Japanese term for breasts.
3. Kurilin: "Kuri" as in the kanji for chestnut and "kurikuri-something" meaning clean-shaven head. "Lin" from Shaolin.
4. Jackie Chun: Pun on "Jackie Chan".
5. Lunch: Named after "lunch".
6. Tenshinhan: Japanese reading for the kanji. The Chinese reading is "Tianjinfan" (Pinyin), "T'ienchinfan" (Wade-Giles), or "Tientsinfan" (Postal).
7. Jiaozi: Chinese reading for the kanji. In the Wade Giles is "Chiaotzu"; Pinyin is the standard now, so I went with that. The Japanese reading for the kanji is "gyoh-za".
8. Karin: Pun on "karintoh", a Japanese snack.
9. Mr. Popo: Possibly a pun on "Nag Po Chen Po" (meaning "Great Black One"), the Tibetan term for the deity Mahakala.
10. Mr. Satan: A tacky ring name. It's especially silly when his fans chant "SATAN! SATAN!" as if to say "Hail Satan".
11. Mark: Pun on "akuma", Japanese for "devil".
12. Veedel: Pun on "devil". Syllables are swapped around the first syllable is elongated.
13. Lapis: Pun on lapis lazuli.
14. Lazuli: Above.
15. Bora: Possibly named after Bora, what the Japanese call mullet fish. Also might also come from the Japanese Tahitian-style tropical drinks called Bora-Bora, Upa-Upa, and Noa-Noa.
16. Upa: Probably named after Toriyama's assistant's family dog. That dog's name might come from what the Japanese call an axolotl or the Ainu term "upas", which means "snow". The character's name might also come from Japanese Tahitian-style tropical drinks called Bora-Bora, Upa-Upa, and Noa-Noa.
17. Paiguhan: Named after the Chinese term "Paigu" ("P'ai ku" in Wade Giles) meaning "Spare ribs", with "han" added at the end. "Han" means "rice" in Japanese. However, no kanji was used for this name. "Paikuuhan" works if you want to follow the Wade-Giles spelling of "Paigu".
Pilaf Gang: Fun fact, Shuu's name was originally "Soba", named after "Soba (buckwheat) noodles", but Toriyama forgot.
1. Pilaf: Named after "pilaf", a type of rice meal.
2. Shuu: From "shuumai", the Japanese reading for the Cantonese term "Siu maai". In Pinyin, it's "Shaomai".
3. Mai: Above.
Piccolo and his Demon Clan: All are named after musical instruments.
1. Piccolo: Named after "piccolo".
2. Tambourine: Named after "tambourine".
3. Piano: Named after "piano".
4. Cymbal: Named after "cymbal".
5. Drum: Named after "drum".
1. Shen Long: Named after the Chinese dragon.
2. Pornga: Pun on "organ".
3. Trombo: Pun on "trombone".
4. Dragon of Black Smoke: Literal translation of "Kokuen no Ryuu". He's a dragon that comes from black smoke.
5. Ultimate Shen Long: He's a stronger version of Shen Long.
6. Super Shen Long: Above.
Evil Dragons: These are all in Pinyin, btw.
1. Yi Xing Long: Chinese term for "One-star dragon".
2. Liang Xing Long: Can be a Chinese term for "Two-star dragon", but "Er Xing Long" would have been more proper. "Liang" is closer to "pair" than "two", so this is technically "Pair-star dragon". Toei screwed up here, because the Two-Star Dragon Ball is called "Er Xing Qiu"; this dragon should be called "Er Xing Long".
3. San Xing Long: Chinese term for "Three-star dragon".
4. Si Xing Long: Chinese term for "Four-star dragon".
5. Wu Xing Long: Chinese term for "Five-star dragon".
6. Liu Xing Long: Chinese term for "Six-star dragon".
7. Qi Xing Long: Chinese term for "Seven-star dragon".
Namekkians: They're all slug-related names/puns.
1. Nail: Pun on "snail".
2. Dende: Pun on "denden-mushi", Japanese term for snail.
3. Cargo: Pun on "escargot", French term for snail.
4. Muuri: Pun on "katattsumuri", Japanese term for snail.
5. Katattsu: Above.
6. Slug: Named after "slug".
7. Saonel: Pun on "snail".
8. Pilina: Named after "pilinia", type of mollusk.
9. Monite: Pun on "ammonite", an ammonoid.
10. Neba: Named after "neba", Japanese for "sticky".
Animals & pets:
1. Pu'er: Named after the tea. Could also be rendered "Pu'ar" or "Pu'erh".
2. Oolong: Named after the tea. Could also be rendered "Woolong" or "Wulong".
3. Sea Turtle: He's a sea turtle.
4. Scratch: Named after "scratch" (he's a cat).
5. Beh: Pun on "Boo" (can be romanized as "Bee" using the Hepburn system, but the pronunciation would be "Beh". "Boo" would be converted to "Buu" in Hepburn and "e" comes after "u" in Japanese the syllable chart).
6. Bubbles: Named after Michael Jackson's pet chimpanzee.
7. Gregory: Possibly a reference to Gregory from Franz Kafka's novel "The Metamorphosis".
8. Hire Dragon: He's a dragon that takes you places like a "taxi-for-hire".
9. Prophetic Fish: Literal translation of "Yogen-gyo".
10. Tokitoki: Pun on "toki", Japanese for "time".
Freeza's race: Various cold-themed names.
1. Freeza: Pun on "freezer".
2. Kold: Pun on "cold".
3. Koola: Pun on "cooler".
4. Kurieza: Pun of "kuri", Japanese term for "chestnut" and "Freeza".
5. Chilled: Pun on "chill".
6. Frost: Named after "frost".
Freeza Force: Various refrigerator-themed food names.
1. Ginyuu: Pun on "gyuunyuu", Japanese for "milk".
2. Jheese: Pun on "cheese".
3. Burtta: Pun on "butter".
4. Reac'm: Pun on "cream".
5. Ghurd: Pun on "yoghurt".
6. Zarbon: Pun on the zamboa, Portuguese word for pomelo fruit, which is approximated in Japanese as "zabon". "Zahbon" also works.
7. Doduria: Pun on "durian".
8. Apoole: Pun on "apple".
9. Kewi: Pun on "kiwi".
10. Cranberi: Pun on "cranberry".
11. Abo: Pun on "avocado".
12. Cado: Above.
13. Sorbet: Named after "sorbet".
14. Tagoma: Pun on "tamago", Japanese for egg.
15. Shisami: Pun on "sashimi", fresh meat or fish cut into thin pieces.
16. Berible: Pun on "blueberry".
17. Cheelye: Pun on "lychee".
18. Lemo: Pun on "lemon".
19. Bonyuu: Named after "bonyuu", Japanese for "mother's milk".
Gero & associates:
1. Gero: Named after "Gero", Japanese onomatopoeia for vomit.
2. Vomi: Pun on "vomit".
3. Gevo: Pun on "Gero".
4. Hedo: Another vomit pun.
5. Cell: Named after "cell".
6. Cell Junior: The children of Cell, hence "Cell Junior".
7. No.21: The twenty first android (not counting Cell lol)
8. No.20: The twentieth android.
9. No.19: The nineteenth android.
10. No.18: The eighteenth android (she's actually a cyborg or genetically modified human)
11. No.17: The seventeenth android (he's actually a cyborg or genetically modified human)
12. No.16: The sixteenth android.
13. No.15: The fifteenth android.
14. No.14: The fourteenth android.
15. No.13: The thirteenth android.
16. No.8: The eighth android.
17. Metallic: He's an android, so I guess that makes him "metallic".
18. Gamma One: Gamma is the third letter of the Greek alphabet. Why the character is named this, dunno lol.
19. Gamma Two: Above. He's the second Gamma.
20. Cell Max: It's a clone of Cell that's much stronger than the original. Why he's called "max", I guess Toriyama just thought it sounded cool.
Red Ribbon: All named (or codenamed) after colors.
1. Red
2. Black
3. Silver
4. White
5. Blue
6. Violet
7. Murasaki: Japanese for "purple". His name is in kanji.
8. Carmine
9. Magenta
Bibbidi, Bobbidi, Boo & associates:
1. Bibbidi: From Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, song from Cinderella.
2. Bobbidi: Above.
3. Boo: Above.
4. Oob: "Boo" backwards.
5. Darbra: Pun on "abracadabra". "Dahbra" also works.
6. Yakon: From "tekumaku-mayakon", magic spell in the 1960s anime Himitsu no Akko-chan (Secret of Little Akko).
7. Pui Pui: From "chin chin pui pui", Japanese chant for making pain go away.
8. Coo: Pun on "Boo". C comes after B.
9: Doo: Pun on "Boo" and "Coo". D comes after C.
10. Marba: Probably a pun on "Mababa", which can translate to "Demon/Magic Hag" or "Hag Witch".
11. Fin: I think his name is literally just supposed to be "fin". Like, what fish have.
Miscellaneous demons:
1. Lucifer: Named after Lucifer, another name for Satan.
2. Gastel: Pun on "gas" and "table".
3. Hirudegahn: Pun on the Japanese name "Hiruta" and "gan", Japanese onomatopoeia for "jaw dropping".
4. Janemba: Pun on the Japanese term for "evil thoughts wave".
5. Glorio: Pun on "gloriosa", flower genus.
6. Pansy: Named after "pansy", a flower.
7. Gomah: Named after "goma", which means "sesame" in Japanese.
8. Mira: Pun on "Mirai", which means "future" in Japanese.
9. Towa: Named after "Towa", which means "eternity" in Japanese.
10. Fuu: Probably a pun on the word "future".
11. Ozotto: Pun on "zotto", meaning "scary" in Japanese.
12. Demigra: Pun on "demi-glace", a French sauce.
13. Arbra: Pun on "abracadabra". "Ahbra" also works.
14. Robel: Pun on "sauce robert", a French sauce.
15. Chamel: Pun on "béchamel sauce", a French sauce.
16. Putine: Pun on "poutine", a Canadian fast food dish.
17. Gravy: Named after "gravy".
18. Salsa: Named after "salsa".
19. Shroom: named after "mushroom".
20. Mechickabla: Pun on "mechicka boola", a lyric from the "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo" song.
Miscellaneous martial artists:
1. Gillan: Typical Godzilla style monster name. You could also go with "Gilan", "Guillan", "Guillain", "Gylun", etc .
2. Namu: From the Japanese Buddhist chant "Namuamidabutsu".
3. Linfoun: Pun on "lingerie & foundation" (just make sure to pronounce "lin" with a French accent, so you say it like "lahn")
4. Bacterian: Pun on "bacteria".
5. Panphut: Thai name. Could also be spelled "Panphud".
6. Man-Wolf: He's a werewolf.
7. Taobaibai: Chinese reading of the corresponding kanji. Literally means "Peach White White". In Wade-Giles, it's "t'ao pai pai".
8. King Chappa: Pun on "chapati", an Indian flatbread.
9. Shen: Pun on "Shen Long".
10. Idasa: Pun on "dasai", Japanese term for being uncool or unfashionable.
11. Ikose: Pun on "sekoi", Japanese term for being simple-minded.
12. Spopovich: Pun on "Popovich" and/or "Raspopovich", European surnames.
13. Yamuu: Probably a pun on "yamu" and/or "nayamu", Japanese terms for being ill or troubled.
14. Puntah: Pun on "tapun", Japanese onomatopoeia for the movement of fat or flab.
15. Mighty Mask: Pun on "Mighty Mouse".
16. Keela: Pun on "killer".
17. Jewehl: Pun on the word "jewel".
18. Moh Kekko: Pun on the Japanese term "mo kekkoh", meaning "that's enough".
19. Knock: Named after "knock" because he gets knocked out.
20. Kirahno: Probably a pun on "kiran" and/or "kiraan", Japanese onomatopoeia for "sparkling" or "shining".
21. Captain Chicken: Pun on Captain America.
22. Otoko Sukii: Pun on the phrase "Otokosuki", which basically means "I Like Men" in Japanese. He's a gay stereotype (smh).
Pride Troopers: Various kitchen-related puns/names.
1. Geran: Pun on "range".
2. Toppo: Pun on "pot".
3. Dispo: Pun on "disposal".
4. Cocotte: Named after the cocotte, the French variant of a Dutch oven.
5: K'nsi: Pun on "sink".
6. Carcerol: Pun on "casserole".
7. Tupper: Pun on "Tupperware".
8. Zoireh: Pun on "reizoh-ko", Japanese for a refrigerator.
9. Kettle: Named after kettle.
10. Veuon: Pun on "oven".
Trio de Danger: "de" is Spanish or Portuguese for "of".
1. Bergamo: Pun on "bergamot", the flower.
2. Lavenda: Pun on "lavender", the herb.
3. Basil: Named after "basil", the herb.
Kamikaze Fireballs: Steak-related puns.
1. Brianne de Chateau: Pun on "chateaubriand steak"
2. Sanka Kuu: Pun on "sankaku", Japanese for "triangle", as in "sankaku bara", meaning "tri-tip steak".
3. Soo Roas: Pun on "roast", like "steak roast".
Moro & associates: All have puns related to the Tochigi Prefecture in Japan.
1. Moro: Named after Moro, what the Japanese call a shark cutlet.
2. Sagambo: Named after Sagambo, what the Japanese call a horned shark cutlet.
3. Miza: From mizaru, Japanese for "does not see". One of the "Three Wise Monkeys".
4. Iwaza: From iwazaru, Japanese for "does not speak". One of the "Three Wise Monkeys".
5. Kikaza: From kikazaru, Japanese for "does not hear". One of the "Three Wise Monkeys".
6. Shimorekka: Pun on the dish "Shimotsukare".
7. Yumba: Pun on "Yumba", a food made from tofu skin.
8. Zauyogi: Pun on "gyoh-za", the Japanese reading for jiaozi/c'hiaotzu.
9. OG-73i: Pun on "i37-goh", some shit to do with strawberries.
Galactic Patrol:
1. Jako: Pun on "zako", Japanese for "small-fry".
2. Iriko: Named after "iriko", a sardines food.
3. Calamis: Pun on "calamari".
4. Shiirasu: Pun on "shirasu", a sardines food.
1. Shin: Named after "Shin", the Japanese reading for the kanji that means "God".
2. Kibito: Pun on "tsukibito", Japanese for "assistant".
3. Nahare: Named after the Japanese verb "nahare", meaning "to do".
4. Degesu: Named after the archaic Japanese verb "degesu", meaning "is".
5. Arinsu: Named after the archaic Japanese verb "arinsu", meaning "to exist".
6. Zamasu: Named after the Japanese verb "zamasu", meaning "to be".
7. Gowasu: Named after the Japanese verb "gowasu, meaning " to be".
8. Chronoa: Pun on "chronos", Greek term meaning "time".
9. Anat: Named after a Semitic goddess.
10. Peru: Pun on "Perun", name of a Slavic god.
11. Ea: Named after a Sumerian god also known as Enki in Babylonian mythology.
12. Kur: Named after the Sumerian term for the underworld.
13. Ogma: Named after a Celtic god.
14. Huwa: Pun on "Huwawa", a Mesopotamian monster.
15. Ill: Named after the Akkadian term for "gods" (it's "ill" in case the "I" being uppercase is too hard to read lol)
16. Roh: Named after "roh", which means "old" in Japanese.
17. Kai: Named after "kai", which means "world" in Japanese.
18. Ag: Pun on "Agni", a Hindu god.
19. Aeos: Pun on "Aeon", a Greek god of time.
Destruction Gods: Aside from Birus, they're all just alcohol-related names/puns.
1. Birus: Originally a pun on "virus". Retroactively made a pun of "beer".
2. Champa: Pun on "champagne".
3. Vermoud: Pun on "vermouth".
4. Geen: Pun on "gin".
5. Quitela: Pun on "tequila".
6. Mosco: From "moscow mule".
7. Mule: From "moscow mule".
8. Iwen: Pun on "wine".
9. Jerez: Named after "jerez".
10. Cidra: Pun on "cider".
11. Liquer: Pun on "liquor".
12. Arak: Named after "arak". Could also be spelled "araq".
13. Rumoosh: Pun on "rum".
Angels: Mostly alcohol-related names/puns.
1. Whis: Pun on "whiskey".
2. Vados: Pun on "calvados".
3. Marcarita: Pun on "margarita".
4. Kusu: Named after "kusu".
5. Camparri: Pun on "campari", Italian liquor.
6. Conic: Pun on "cognac".
7. Awamo: Pun on "awamori".
8. Sawah: Pun on "sour".
9. Cucatail: Pun on "cocktail".
10. Martinu: Pun on "martini".
11. Mohito: Pun on "mojito".
12. Koln: Pun on "korn".
13. Merus: Pun on "surume", a Japanese snack, and/or named after the Latin term "merus", which is used for pure wine.
Tamagami: Named after "tamagami", meaning "sphere/ball/globe god".
1. Tamagami One: The first one.
2. Tamagami Two: The second one.
3. Tamagami Three: The third one.
Miscellaneous deities:
1. Enma: The Japanese reading for the Chinese term Yanmo (Yenmo in Wade-Giles). Based on the Hindu god of death and justice Yama. "En" means "village gate" and "ma" means "demon". I think this is supposed to literally be his name, so it should be untranslated.
2. Rymus: Pun on "slime" and/or "lime".
3. Zalama: Pun on "salamander".
Ts'fruians & Machine Mutants:
1. Lychee: Named after "lychee".
2. Hatchiyakku: Pun on a Japanese phrase.
3. Baby: Named after "baby" (technically, the katakana would more properly be romanized as "Beby". The word "baby" is approximated in Japanese as "beibii" whereas the character here is called "bebii". Since "bebii" normally translates to "baby", I think it's better to romanize the name as that).
4: Dolltaki: Pun on "doll" and "otakki", colloquial Japanese for "geeky". He's a weirdo obsessed with dolls (also a pedo).
5. Mutchii-Motchii: Pun on "muchi mochi", meaning "whip hold" or "holding a whip" in Japanese. He fights with a whip.
6. Lood: Pun on "doll".
7. Rilld: Pun on "drill".
8. Mu: Pun on "mutant".
9. Giru: Named after "giru", Japanese for "to steal". The first thing he does is steal the Dragon Radar.
10. Oran: Pun on "orange".
11. Kamin: Pun on "mikan", Japanese for a mandarin orange.
Yardratians: All have rodent-related names/puns.
1. Hatsuka: From "hatsuka nezumi", Japanese term for house rats.
2. Pybara: From capybara.
Cerealians: All have cereal-related names/puns.
1. Granola: Named after "granola".
2. Oatmill: Pun on "oatmeal".
3. Muezli: Pun on "muesli".
4. Flake: Named after "flake" for flaked cereal.
1. Elec: Pun on "electricity".
2. Gas: Named after "gas".
3. Oil: Named after "oil".
4. Maki: Named after "maki", Japanese for firewood.
Garlic & associates:
1. Garlic: Named after "garlic".
2. Garlic Junior: He's the son of Garlic.
3. Sansho: Named after "sansho", Japanese for a Sichuan pepper.
4. Nikkii: Pun on "nikki", Japanese for "cinnamon".
5. Ginger: Named after "ginger".
6. Gassh: Pun on "sugar".
7. Vingear: Named after "vinegar".
8. Zald: Pun on "salt".
9. Tard: Pun on "mustard".
Willow & associates:
1. Dr. Willow: A pun on "uiroh", a Japanese snack. However, the katakana for his name can also be romanized as "Willow" and it seems Toei now intends for his name to be spelled with a "W" because he's called "Dr. W" in Heroes.
2. Dr. Cochin: From "cochin", a type of chicken.
3. Misokattsun: Pun on "miso" and "katsu". "Miso" is a Japanese seasoning and katsu is Japanese for deep-fried pork.
4. Kishiime: Pun on "kishimen", Japanese term for noodles made in flat strips.
5. Ebifryah: Pun on "ebi fry". "Ebi" is "shrimp" in Japanese.
Space Crusher Army Corps:
1. Amond: Pun on "almond".
2. Cacao: Named after "cacao".
3. Daiizu: Pun on "daizu", Japanese for soy.
4. Rakasei: Pun on "rakkasei", Japanese for peanuts.
5. Resin: Pun on "raisin".
Slug Army: Mostly puns on "Andromeda galaxy".
1. Angila: Pun on "andromeda" and "Angilas", the Godzilla character.
2. Dorodabo: Pun on "andromeda" and also "dorotaboh", meaning "mud field monk", a monster from a Japanese folktale.
3. Medamatcha: Pun on "andromeda". Also a pun on "medama", Japanese for "eyes". He has big eyes.
4. Zeiun: Pun on "seiun", Japanese for "galaxy".
5. Kakuuja: Pun on "kagakusha", Japanese for "scientist". He's a scientist.
Koola's Armored Squadron:
1. Thousar: Pun on "thousand" from the dressing "thousand island".
2. Dohre: Pun on "dressing".
3. Naise: Pun on "mayonnaise".
Bohjakku & associates: All have names/puns on Japanese phrases for being evil.
1. Bohjakku: Pun on "boh-jakubujin", Japanese for "arrogance, audacity, outrageousness", etc.
2. Buujin: Above.
3. Zangya: Pun on "zangyaku", Japanese for "cruelty".
4. Gokua: Pun "gokuaku", Japanese for heinousness. Also "gokuakubidou", Japanese for "heinous and inhuman".
5. Bidoh: Pun on "bidou", Japanese for "inhuman". Also "gokuakubidou".
Miscellaneous Toei characters:
1. Gourmeth: Pun on "gourmet".
2. Pasta: Named after "pasta".
3. Vongo: From "spaghetti alle vongole", Italian for "spaghetti with clams".
4. Pansy: Named after "pansy", the flower.
5. Husky: Named after "husky", for a low-pitched, horse voice. It can also mean "strong".
6. An'nin: Named after "an'nin", Japanese for "almond".
7. Tapion: Pun on "tapioca", a starch.
8. Minoshiya: Pun on "yashi no mi", meaning "coconut" in Japanese.
9. Hoi: Named after "hoi", Cantonese for "open".
10. Yulin: Pun on the Chinese city of the same name or "Yu Lin Chi", Chinese fried chicken.
11. Lime: Named after the fruit.
12. Lao Chuu: Named after Chinese beer.
13. Engela: Pun on "Angela" (or maybe it's just an approximation of it? Idk)
14. Psych Ogre: Translation of "Saike Oni". "Saike" is the Japanese approximation of "psych", short for "psychadelic"; he likes psychadelic music. "Oni" roughly translates to "ogre".
15. Redic: Pun on "credit".
16. Palace: Named after "palace".
17. Bish: Pun on "fish".
18. Pack: Named after "pack" from "backpack".
19. Mamba: Pun on "Yamamba", a monster from a Japanese folktale.
20. Rakkaru: Pun on "rakka", Japanese for "fall", and "sagaru", Japanese for "hang".
21. Gettoh: Pun on "ghetto".
22. Watagash: Pun on "watagashi", Japanese for "cotton candy".
23. Cocoa Amaguri: Named after "cocoa" and "amaguri", Japanese for "sweet chestnut".
24. Hearts: Named after "hearts". Why? Because he's sooo full of love! Jk, there doesn't seem to be a reason.
25. Lagss: Pun on "glass".
26. Vidro: Named after "vidro", Portuguese for "glass".
Miscellaneous manga characters:
1. The rabbit that turns people into carrots: Literal translation of "Toninjinka".
2. Sno: Pun on "snow".
3. Buyon: Pun on "buyo", Japanese onomatopeia for soft and flabby things.
4. Dracula Man: Pun on "Dracula", name of iconic fictional vampire character.
5. Transparent: Literal translation of "suke".
6. Mirra: Named after "mirra", Portuguese term that means "myrrh" and is used in Japan to refer to mummies.
7. Akkuman: Pun on "akuma", Japanese term for "devil".
8. Erasa: Pun on "eraser".
9. Shapner: Pun on "sharpner".
10. Idasa: Pun on "dasai", Japanese for "lame" or "unfashionable". The joke is that his mullet looks lame.
11. Ikose: Pun on "sekoi", Japanese for "small-minded".
12. Barry Quarn: Pun on "bariquand", a French company that manufactures hair clippers. The company's name is approximated to Japanese as "barikando". In Japan, it's shortened to "barikan" as a slang term for hair clippers in general.
13. Hit: Named after "hit". He's a hitman.
14. Auta Magetta: Pun on "ottamageta", Japanese for being very surprised.
15. Botamo: Pun on "botamochi", Japanese snack.
16. Dr. Rota: Possibly a pun on "rotor".
17. Roola: Pun on "ruler".
18. Compass: Named after "compass".
19. Scale: Named after "scale".
20. Fila: Pun on "file".
21. Chalk: Named after "chalk".
22. Clean God: He's a superhero who cleans stuff.
23. Ohmori Tokunoshin: Pun on "ohmori" and "toku", which refer to large servings of food in Japanese.
24. Azuki An: Pun on "adzuki", Japanese for "red bean".
25. Katayude Tamagoro: Pun on "kata-yude tamago", Japanese for "hard-boiled egg".
1. Turtle Sage: Literal translation of "Kame-sennin".
2. Crane Sage: Literal translation of "Tsuru-sennin".
3. Heavenly Old Martial Master: Literal translation of "Muten Roh-shi".
4. Great Martial Dean: Literal translation of "Mutaito".
5. Fortunetelling Hag: Literal translation of "Uranai Baba".
6. Ox Demon King: Literal translation of "Gyuu-maoh".
7. Great Demon King: Literal translation of "Daimaoh".
8. Monster Demon King: Literal translation of "yohmaoh".
9. Snake Princess: Literal translation of "Hebihime".
10. Supreme Old Lord: Literal translation of "Taijoh Rohkun".
11. Galactic King: Literal translation of "gingaoh".
12. God: Literal translation of "Kami".
13. World King: Literal translation of "Kaioh".
14. World King God: Literal translation of "Kaioh-shin".
15. Creation God: Literal translation of "Sozoh-shin".
16. Destruction God: Literal translation of "Hakai-shin".
17. Angel: Literal translation of "Tenshi".
18. Grand Priest: Literal translation of "Daishinkan".
19. All King: Literal translation of "Zenoh".
20. Dragon God: Literal translation of "Ryuu-shin".
1. Compliant Rod: Literal translation of "Nyoi-boh". The Chinese reading is "Ruyi Bang".
2. Somersault Cloud: Literal translation of "Kinto-un".
3. Sage Beans: Literal translation of "Senzu".
4. Z Sword: Worth noting that the pronunciation of "Z" is typically approximated as "Zetto" in Japanese, which is closest to the German pronunciation "zet". The European pronunciation is "zed" and the American pronunciation is "zee". But it really doesn't matter how you pronounce "Z".
5. Potala: Named after the Tibetan palace Potala, short for Potalaka, which can also be called Potaraka. So, "Potara" is equally valid.
6. Hoi Poi Capsule: "Hoi" and "poi" are Japanese onomatopoeia for tossing things. These capsules are meant to be tossed.
7. Banana Palm Fan: Literal translation of "bashoh-sen".
8. Dragon Radar: A radar that locates Dragon Balls.
9. Dragon Ball: They're balls that bring out a dragon when gathered.
1. Breath: Literal translation of Ki.
2. Breathwork: Literal translation of Kikoh.
3. Breathwork Wave: Literal translation of Kikoh-ha.
4. Breathwork Gun: Literal translation of Kikoh-hoh.
5. New Breathwork Gun: Literal translation of Shin Kikoh-hoh.
6. Energy: Contextual translation of Genki.
7. Energy Globe: Contextual translation of Genkidama. I think "Energy Globe" sounds less generic than other equally valid translations like "Energy Sphere" and "Energy Ball".
8. Sky Dance Technique: Translation of Bukuu-jutsu.
9. Kamehame Wave: Literal translation of Kamehameha.
10. Super Kamehame Wave: Stronger Kamehame Wave.
11. Big Bang Kamehame Wave: Big Bang Attack + Kamehame Wave.
12. Final Kamehame Wave: Final Flash + Kamehame Wave.
13. 10x Kamehame Wave: 10x stronger version of Kamehame Wave or Super Kamehame Wave.
14. World King Fist: Literal translation of Kaioh-ken.
15. Wolf Fang Gale Fist: Literal translation of Rogafuu-fuu-ken. "Fuu-fuu" can also be translated as "hurricane" or "whirlwind", but I prefer "Gale" as it's shorter lol.
16. Dodom Wave: Literal translation of Dodom-Pa.
17. Sun Fist: Literal translation of Taiyoh-ken.
18. Teleportation: Literal translation of Shunkan-idoh.
19. Gallick Gun: Literal translation of "Gyarikku-hoh". "Gyarikku" is a pun on "garlic" and it can also translate to "Garrick" or "Galrick". "Hoh" can also translate to "Cannon".
20. Big Bang Attack: Reference to the big bang.
21. Final Flash: It's really bright and it's supposed to kill you; it meant to be the "final flash" you'll see in your life.
22. Final Shine: Same meaning as "Final Flash". It's basically an upgraded version do it.
23. Gamma Burst Flash: Reference to a gamma-ray burst. Also an upgraded Final Flash.
24. Demon Flash Light: Literal translation of "Masenkoh".
25. Demon Pierce Light Murder Gun: Literal translation of "Makankoh-sappoh".
26. Winding Breath Bullet: Literal translation of "Soh-kidan".
27. Breath Disc Slash: Literal translation of "Kienzan".
28. Demon Seal Wave: Literal translation of "Mafuu-ba".
29. Kaikai: A play on "Kaikai", which means "World World" in Japanese. The name is only in katakana.
30. Kaikai Matoru: Play on "Kaikai Matoru", which means "World World Magic Steal" in Japanese. The name is only in katakana.
31. Galactic Donut: Tacky name for energy rings that bind their target.
32. Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: They're sentient ghosts that explode on their target like the kamikaze (Death Wind) bombers in WW2. The name is in all katakana, so "Kamikaze" isn't to be translated.
33. Continuous Die Die Missiles: Literal translation of "Renzoku Shine Shine Misairu". Tacky name for energy blast spam.
34. Dragon Fist: Literal translation of "Ryuu-ken".
35. Brutes Waves: It could be "brutes", a pun on "fruits", or a pun on "burutsu", which is Japanese onomatopoeia for shaking and shivering. Seeing as characters shake and shiver when they turn into Giant Monkeys, I think that could be a possibility.
36. Key of Instinct: Contextual translation of "Migatte no Goku'i". "Migatte" would normally be translated as "Selfishness", but the context is that this technique is the key to your body moving on its own. I also like "Key of Reflex", but I went with "instinct" so it goes more with "Key of Ego"; you know, instinct and ego.
37. Key of Ego: Literal translation of "Wagamama no Goku'i".
1. Earthling: Literal translation of "Chikyuu-jin".
2. Saiyan: Pun on "yasai", Japanese term for "vegetable".
3. Ts'fruian: Pun on "fruits".
4. Namekkian: Pun on "namekuji", Japanese term for "slug".
5. Yardratian: Pun on "rat" and possibly "yado", Japanese for "house", or the word "yard".
6. Demon: Translation of "Majin".
7. Phantom Demon: Translation of "Genmajin".
8. Cerealian: Pun on "cereal".
9. Gurindian: Pun on "donguri", Japanese term for "acorn".
10. Cultivated Man/Men: Literal translation of "Saibaiman".
11. Bio-Man/Men: Literal translation of "Baioman".
12. Nekomajin: Named after "Neko Majin", meaning "Cat Demon", "Demon Cat", or "Magic Cat" in Japanese. The name is only written in katakana, though.
1. Great Monkey: Literal translation of "Oh-zaru".
2. Super Saiyan: It's a super strong Saiyan, I guess.
3. Super Saiyan 2: It's the next level.
4. Super Saiyan 3: Next level.
5. Super Saiyan 4: You'd think it's the next level from this name, but Toei only picked this name because they were lazy.
6. Super Saiyan God: You'd think it's a Super Saiyan that has become a God (or obtained Godly ki) from this name.
7. Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan: Worst name ever. The explanation is that it's a Super Saiyan with the power of a Super Saiyan God. But this makes no sense because a Super Saiyan God should be a Super Saiyan to begin with. Smh, the red form should have been "Saiyan God" and the blue one "Super Saiyan God".
8. Super Saiyan Blue: It's a blue Super Saiyan.
9. Super Saiyan Rosé: It's a pink (or rose) colored Super Saiyan. But it's called "rosé" instead of "rose" to force a dumb alcohol pun even though Gokuu Black isn't a Destruction God nor is this a form used by Destruction Gods. Awful name.
10. Super Saiyan Blue Evolved: Literal translation of "Suupaa Saiyajin Buruu Shinka".
11. Super Saiyan Rage: Literal translation of "Suupaa Saiyain Ikari".
12. Rage: Literal translation of "Ikari".
13. Super Saiyan Stage 2: Literal translation of "Suupaa Saiyajin Ni Dankai". The first buff SS form. Easy to get mixed up with SS2, I know.
14. Super Saiyan Stage 3: Literal translation of "Suupaa Saiyajin San Dankai". The second buff SS form. Easy to get mixed up with SS3, I know.
15. Pseudo Super Saiyan: Literal translation of "Giji Suupaa Saiyajin". It was supposed to be SS in the form, but retroactively made a pseudo form. Toriyama helped design it, so you can think of it as the original SS design before he decided on blonde hair.
16. Golden Great Monkey: Literal translation of "Goruden Oh-zaru".
17. Beast: "The beast has been awakened".
18. Orange: It makes Piccolo orange.
19. Golden: It makes Freeza golden.
20. Black: It makes Freeza black.
21. Key of Instinct Sign: Incomplete, so it's just a "sign" of the whole transformation.
22. Key of Instinct Complete: It's the complete transformation.
1. Mount Baozi: Named after "Baozi", Chinese steamed buns.
2. Earth: Literal translation of "Chikyuu".
3. World's Best Martial Path Meet: Literal translation of "Tenka'ichi Budoh-kai".
4. Namekku: Pun on "namekuji", Japanese term for "slug".
5. Vegeeta: Pun on "vegetable".
6. Sadala: Pun on "salada", Portuguese term for "salad".
7. Yardrat: Pun on "rat" and "yard" or "yado", Japanese for "house".
8. Afterworld: Literal translation of "Anoyo".
9. Hell: Literal translation of "Jigoku".
10. Demon Realm: Literal translation of "Makai".
11. World King God Realm: Literal translation of "Kaioh-shinkai".
12. World Core: Literal translation of "Kaishin".
1. Little: Approximation of "chan".
2. Fellow/fella: Approximation of "kun".
3. Mister/miss/missus: Approximation of "san".
4. Instructor/master/mistress: Approximation of "sensei".
5. Lord/lady: Approximation of "sama" and and "dono".